welcome to infodump
* = feature, informational
% = feature, tested to work (hw/code/etc on final badge)
$ = implemented, software (mostly) done

MAIN badge features:
* efm32gg980f1024 mcu
* efr32mg1p232 rf soc; supports BLE, Zigbee, Thread, or proprietary implmentations
* 3xAA batteries
* hacky auto-brightness implementation
% 2.2" parallel lcd, lg controller, 176x220
% usb micro-b for configuration and text-based games
% usb female physical connection for external UART or connection to skeleton key
% 4x capsense directional buttons, 2x standard buttons
% 10 yellow/gold leds, 13 ws2812b rgbled, 2x pwm-controlled rgbled
* 3 LEDs connected to BLE SoC (blue/green/white)
% 32mbit spi flash
* 64kbit i2c eeprom
* adxl345 accelerometer
* micro vibrator
% sleep mode switch, reset button
* BLE "Pair" button
% some user io, broken up between TH pads and SMD pads
% breakout for aux SPI, user IO or NRF24L01 module with standard 8-pin PTH pinout

badge functionality (% = complete, $ = in progress, * = planned, ! = probably no time)
* lcd name tag
! games
! alarm clock (maybe useful for programming in talk / village schedule?)
! nrf24l01 implementation on the RF SoC (maybe?)
! _any_ radio shit on the RF SoC
! programmable LED shit like on whiskey pirates dc22 badge
* shell to configure things, play games
! all else tbd

AUX badge features:
* efm32hg322f64 mcu
* 1xCR123 battery
* hacky auto-brightness implementation
* 1x ANY button
* 5x or 6x RGB LEDs in a row
* 2x eye RGB LEDs
* 8 white leds in a ring
* 16 white leds as a binary clock
* usb to interact with main badge via uart, or computer with usb

badge functionality (% = complete, $ = in progress, * = planned, ! = probably no time)
% usb console / shell
% custom alarms for your talks with simple editor
$ alarms actually activating
* led program editor to customize your bling
* a thrilling super short text adventure
/ fairly poor battery placement / design
...that's probably about it actually